Jason Littlefield
Jason Littlefield brings two decades of experience as an educator to his role as Executive Director of EmpowerED Pathways and as designer of Compassionate Humanism, a humanity-centered framework for life, leadership, and learning. Jason is a founding member of Free Black Thought. He tweets here.
Who are you?
I am the father of three adult children and one high schooler. I’m also a 5th generation Texan, Executive Director of EmpowerED Pathways, author/architect of Empowered Humanity Theory, Board member of The Institute For Liberal Values and a Cofounder of Free Black Thought and host of the Reformation Radio podcast.
What do you do?
I am an educator and student of humanity. I’m entering year thirty working with students, their families and the adults that serve them. I spent most of my career in the urban areas across Texas. I’ve also worked in rural communities, Taiwan, China, and Benin, Africa. I’m also the Executive Director of EmpowerED Pathways where I currently provide professional development, coaching and consulting to educators and business leaders that prefer a non-political and non ideological approach to increasing well-being and strengthening relationships. I enjoy being in nature, listening to music and eating exceptional barbeque and pizza for fun and leisure.
What do you believe?
I believe in God the Father and that Jesus of Nazareth was the greatest Teacher to walk the Earth and I shape my moral compass around my relationships with them. I believe in honoring the dignity of all people and that regardless of our biologies and personalities we are all profoundly interconnected. I notice the way society is organizing itself is detrimental to personal well-being and trusting relationships and believe this is tied to a political philosophy that favors a global society rather than sovereign nations and individual liberty. Politically speaking, I’ve never been a Republican or Democrat nor have I believed they are two separate entities. I do believe that the 50/50 political divide is built on false pretenses and that the uniparty is now revealing itself to the general public. Finally, I believe we live in a most interesting time and that We The People have the power to detach from the things that divide us and can preserve the liberty of future generations if we do so.