It is a bold assertion for Graham to argue Senator Bruce and his Old Family wife Josephine Willson Bruce were America’s First Black Dynasty. I get the marketing hook and all.
Listen now | Adam Gussow talks about his life growing up, his path into music and academia, and his thoughts on race in America.
An analysis of Richard Wright's "Native Son"
Guest host Jake Mackey sits down with sociologist Musa Al-Gharbi to discuss his unconventional academic journey, the personal impact of his cancellation, and his current research pursuits.
If there's racial bias in policing, it's not obvious in lethal force
Ildi Tillmann shares her unique childhood growing up in Hungary during the late Soviet era. Ildi eventually moved to the United States and ended up in Africana Studies after auditing a class on African history and wanting to learn about different cultures.
Learn to be a raceless antiracist
Listen now | An interview with author and academic Remi Adekoya
A new book explores the cultural contradictions of society's new elite
Announcing my essay in "A Pathway to American Renewal (Vol. II)"
Listen now | You Don't Know Who You Are
A taste of Yaya Fanusie's thriller podcast "The Jabbari Lincoln Files"
RSVP for Critical Social Justice and Woke Antisemitism events
Review of "Paul Laurence Dunbar: The Life and Times of a Caged Bird," by Gene Andrew Jarrett
Connie Morgan and Adam B. Coleman talk about the importance of asking questions, fathers in the home and putting your best foot forward.
Listen now | From Russia with Love
The danger of telling "a single story"
Listen now | An interview with fantasy author Dylan Morgan
An introductory chapter from Book 1 of the fantasy trilogy. This is Chapter 2 from Godfall, the first book in the Fallen Gods trilogy. The chapter introduces the female protagonist Lumence.
The final frontier. This post is available in hardcopy as a glossy booklet from FBT Publishing and Theory of Racelessness.
Paperback – October 28, 2023 Empowered Humanity Theory (EHT) is a theory that humans have the innate capacity to create a better world for themselves by developing three specific attitudes and engaging in 3 Pathways of Practice that strengthen the attitudes.
More food for thought on the debates relating to the state of Israel. Host Connie Morgan unpacks progressive leftist antisemitism with author of Woke Antisemitism David L. Bernstein.
A Framework for an Empowering and Dignified Life. An excerpt from Jason Littlefield’s forthcoming book titled Empowered Humanity Theory: A Framework for an Empowering and Dignified Life available November 2023.
As I woke up this morning, the disconnect between performance of Blackness and reality grabbed my attention. I do not believe Blackness = Oppression today. It occurred to me a review of life in 1959 might be instructive.