Mike and Wink delve into the evolution and nuances of “Black Pride,” examining its complexities and the varying perceptions of snobbiness, class, and success within black America.
Listen now | You Don't Know Who You Are
Episode 3 of our new series featuring FBT co-founder Michael David Cobb Bowen and author Winkfield Twyman Jr. Mike and Wink compare their respective imagined roles as King(s) of (black) History Month.
Lessons from the great proponent of black self-sufficiency. Booker T. Washington, a remarkable figure in American history, was born in 1856. Following the Emancipation Proclamation he emerged from the shackles of slavery with nothing but the clothes on his back.
A new series attempting to answer the question, “What comes after black?” FBT co-founder Michael David Cobb Bowen and author Winkfield Twyman Jr.’s new podcast series.
Listen now | An interview with founder and executive director of the Black Cowboy Coalition Aisha McElroy