The "woke right" dissidents within the conservative coalition
Listen now | An interview with Republican activist Quisha King
Cecil Grant Jr. and host Connie Morgan discuss the experience of discovering that your values don't align with those of the people you were expected to be in harmony with.
Wilfred Reilly has positioned himself online (and in person) as a wicked smart but rather hilarious cultural and political commentator. He and Connie discuss why it’s important to tell the truth and his assessment of who tends not to.
Listen now | A bonus episode on Connie Morgan's quick reaction to the feud between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro
Our conversation with founders Dr. Eric M. Wallace and Jennifer L. Wallace
...but Republicans blew it and our government is still a circus
Or so Joe Biden tells me
Double Down News: We’re living in a culture of fear and as a result freedom of speech is under threat