Magatte Wade

Magatte Wade

Magatte Wade is a distinguished entrepreneur who bridges the cultures of Senegal and Silicon Valley, drawing insights from her experiences in both environments. Wade is the co-Founder of Prospera Africa, the leading governance platform developing Prospera Cities (next generation special economic zones). As the Director of the Center for African Prosperity at Atlas Network, she brings a unique perspective to her role. Wade has been invited to share her expertise at prestigious institutions and events, including the UN, Aspen Institute, and several renowned universities. Wade has written a book, The Heart of A Cheetah: How We Have Been Lied to about African Poverty and What That Means for Human Flourishing. In addition to founding and leading the skincare company Skin Is Skin, she hosts her own podcast, “The Magatte Wade Show.” Recognized as a prominent figure in African entrepreneurship, Wade will be awarded the Julian L. Simon Memorial Award by the Competitive Enterprise Institute later this year. This post began as a thread on X, where you can follow Wade. We encourage you to follow her on her Substack as well.