Glenn C. Loury
Glenn C. Loury is the Merton P. Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences and Professor of Economics at Brown University. As an academic economist, Professor Loury has published mainly in the areas of applied microeconomic theory, game theory, industrial organization, natural resource economics, and the economics of race and inequality. As a prominent social critic and public intellectual, writing mainly on the themes of racial inequality and social policy, Professor Loury has published over 200 essays and reviews in journals of public affairs in the U.S. and abroad. Professor Loury’s books include One by One, From the Inside Out: Essays and Reviews on Race and Responsibility in America (The Free Press, 1995); The Anatomy of Racial Inequality (Harvard University Press, 2002, reissued in 2021 with a new preface); Ethnicity, Social Mobility and Public Policy: Comparing the US and the UK (ed., with Tariq Modood and Steven M. Teles, Cambridge University Press, 2005); and Race, Incarceration and American Values (M.I.T. Press, 2008). Glenn’s first essay for the Journal of Free Black Thought was our inaugural essay.