Quay Hanna
Quay Hanna is the author of Bus America: Revelation of a Redneck, which chronicles his 1993 journey around the U.S. by Greyhound Bus and the transformation of his previously held racist and prejudicial views to respect for and understanding of his fellow human beings. He has done more than 1,400 presentations over the last 25 years in schools around the country. Additionally, he works as a youth mentor in multiple school districts struggling with race and student relations. Quay has been awarded the Human Relations Award from the National Conference of Community and Justice and the Child Abuse Prevention Award from the YWCA. In 2006, he was one of 300 people invited to the White House Summit on School Violence. He is currently a Fellow at the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR). You can find out more via his website or follow him on Instagram or Twitter.