Adrian Lyles
Adrian Lyles is a business owner, church leader, and family man who wants to help unite rather than divide people and send the message that we are more alike than we are different. Lyles is the president and owner of Lyles Wealth Management and is also founder of the P.U.L.L. (People United in Life and Liberty) movement, a social advocacy group that campaigns for human equality. As the founder of P.U.L.L, his mission is to dispel myths about race and present the concept that there is only one race—the human race. Through P.U.L.L Lyles seeks to educate, empower, and encourage people to take a broader view of equality. He personally funds college scholarships and counseling in areas of race, relationships, career, and finance to three Gordon County, GA high school seniors annually. Finally, Lyles is the board chair of Voluntary Action Center, which offers free meals, a food bank, financial assistance, and more to Gordon County residents in need.